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The cause of schizophrenia and vocal hallucinations

SUT - a corpuscle (particle) that nobody has created and it can exist in a vacuum and move by itself (self-existing particles). SUT is in constant motion and the formation of a vast array of particles of the universe. SUT its movement creates matter throughout the universe. All the particles of the universe arise during movement SUT. SUT forms the entire matter of the universe energy of its motion. Hard to believe, but the SUT is able to move in absolute vacuum, no matter what, without relying, as a perpetual motion machine. SUT forms the physics of the universe from elementary particles to macroscopic objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies. Moving in a vacuum at a tremendous speed, SUT forms not only the stars and galaxies, but the whole matter of the universe, including man. All particles are formed in the crosshairs of trajectories corpuscles SUT. Read more about the formation of the universe on the pages of the site. SUTgenerates all matter universe all particles including particles of the human brain. If you change your particle's trajectory SUT can create in the mind of man vocal hallucinations. Vibrating in a vacuum at a tremendous speed, particle SUT creates harmful effects on humans. Which senses it affects creating schizophrenic hallucinations are still not clear.

schizophrenia cause

Most likely, SUT, vibrating in a vacuum, exploring

sound effects on the eardrums ears. Then SUT

creates voice hallucinations.The cause of tinnitus - is

also a particle SUT. SUT is usually not immediately

begins to "speak" clearly and distinctly. People

usually at the beginning of schizophrenia and early

auditory hallucinations hear just some vague

"bubbling". Gradually, by studying man, his behavior

begins particle SUT clearly talk to someone. SUT

begins to break down human consciousness. There

are distinct auditory hallucinations. SUT particle can

adapt to a specific person, of any nationality and

speak in any language of the world. Since corpuscle

SUT itself has no brain, it often does not understand

what is going on outside the room in which the


Paranoid schizophrenia, in which the clinical picture is dominated by relatively stable, often paranoid delusions, usually accompanied by

auditory hallucinations, it is called a particle SUT. In schizophrenia, the person usually does not understand what causes auditory

hallucinations and paranoid delusions falls into.What hallucinates particle SUT can also be called delusions. SUT particle has no brain and

often "voices" are auditory hallucinations, they can not be called a proper speech and reasonable from the point of view of the person.

This person clearly and distinctly heard "voices". SUT particle can cause some auditory hallucinations. At the same person simultaneously

hear some voices coming from different sides. Particle SUT usually discusses human behavior, his actions his thoughts. SUT can discuss

human by several hallucinations, each voice has its own judgments. SUT can adjust your "voice" for people's voices and then the person

seems that other people "invest" their thoughts in his head. Drug treatment of schizophrenia impacts SUT is called into question. Under the

influence of the SUT is useless to treat human medical drugs, since the particle SUT forms the very fabric of human and physics. SUT

particle can endlessly to hallucinate in the human brain and interfere with sleep. SUT particle at the same time talking with 2000 -1000

people throughout the earth. She talks to patients with schizophrenia and often does not understand that says different people in general,

but specifically adapting to the brain of the sick person. SUT particle can have on humans and other harmful effects. For more information

about the harmful effects of SUT per person, please visit  page special SUT'S hurms.

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