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If the matter of the universe is constantly being formed movement SUT, then the human body constantly, like the rest of NOON (all

objects of the universe) is formed of the same corpuscle. Everyone in the cell nucleus has its different from the other set of chromosomes

DNA. Set of chromosomes DNA determines the physiological characteristics of a person. Set of chromosomes is also largely determines

the temperament and character of the person. What is the human psyche? Why a person is sick mentally ill? According to doctors and

specialists studying treating sick patients mental illness associated with the work of the brain and central nervous system. Cells throughout

the central nervous system, the brain, like the rest of the human body is constantly being formed SUT. Human behavior, the work of the

central nervous system is associated with a special wave behavior change SUT in some diseases. There are a number of mental and not

just mental illness, which clearly indicate special and harmful changes to the process SBN (special bad NUKLEONING) of the human

body corpuscle SUT.


1. The Schizophrenia and crazy frustration on ICD-10 (the international classification of diseases) diseases


When mankind first drew attention to the change in the human psyche? Descriptions of schizophrenic symptoms occur in 2000 BC in the

"Book of Hearts" - part of the ancient Egyptian papyrus Ebers. At the same time, symptoms resembling schizophrenia, marked in Arabic

medical and psychological texts, dating back to the middle Ages. For example, in the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna describes the state,

partly resembling schizophrenia, which he calls "Junoon mufrit" (severe madness), and is separated from other forms of madness,

"Junoon" - such as manic-depressive illness. Schizophrenic disorders are usually characterized by the essential and characteristic

distortions of thinking and perception, as well as inadequate affects. Clear consciousness and intellectual capacity are usually preserved,

although with the passage of time can take place the following conditions according to ICD-10:

• Delusions of control by outside forces. The belief that thoughts are stolen by someone from the head or invested in it;

• «the sound of his own thoughts": feeling that the thought content becomes available to other people;

• Voice commenting on the thoughts and actions of a person or talking to each other;

• Hallucinatory voices commenting or discussing the patient's behavior;

• Other types of "voices" coming from different parts of the body;

• echo the thoughts (the sound of his own thoughts), insertion or withdrawal of thoughts, ideas around openness;

• Delirium mastery, impact, or passivity, clearly referring to the body or limbs, thoughts, actions, or sensations;

As thoughts are put in the human body? SUT changes corpuscular wave behavior in the formation of brain cells, causing auditory

hallucinations. SUT  puts "his thoughts" in the formation of the brain. SUT forms of voice, creating multiple modified wave processes

NUKLEONING. SUT commented ordinary thoughts or actions of a person, discusses the behavior of the patient. SUT talking with the

patient, creating multiple modified in the space of wave processes NUKLEONING between the human body, objects, and the brain. Man,

if you change the wave processes hears talk of the body, objects are nearby. The occurrence of unexpected "ringing" in the ears also

shows a special impact on the SUT eardrums person. SUT like "ringing" in our ears creates a primitive hallucination. These are the

"jokes" SUT. SUT creates an echo of thoughts, studying and copying a person's thoughts. Why do you need SUT echo thoughts? Echo

the thoughts need to memorize corpuscular wave state of the particles in the brain. SUT changing corpuscular wave function changes the

metabolism and again creates a hallucinatory voice processes in the brain in humans. SUT is constantly trying to control a person, creating

nonsense mastery, delusions of control, lies. In this case, SUT often repeats the same short man's thoughts, like a parrot, sometimes

without understanding the meaning of words. Want to know "thought" SUT - ask schizophrenia, delusional thinking what SUT has

invested in his brain. Maybe you will be able to talk through the patient c SUT. When schizophrenic disorder F20 SUT greatly interfere

with a person to perceive their environment, distorts thinking, interferes with life, constantly trying to control someone creates a special

evil. SUT at the same time can change NUKLEONING many people and objects, causing schizophrenia delusions, hallucinations. The

overall risk of the disease, according to research, is 0.4-0.6% (4-6 cases per 1,000 people). The most common manifestations of the

disease are auditory hallucinations, paranoid or fantastic delusions or disorganized speech and thinking in the background of a significant

breach of performance. Schizophrenia (F20) is one of the major causes of disability. Patients with schizophrenia are likely to be

diagnosed comorbid disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders, the risk of alcoholism and drug addiction is about 40%. Part

of the social problems, such as long-term unemployment, poverty and homelessness. Increased risk of suicide and health problems

caused the decrease in life expectancy, which in patients 10-12 years shorter than people without schizophrenia. In a study conducted in

14 countries in 1999, it was shown that the state of active psychosis takes in relation to the third place after complete paralysis

(quadriplegia) and dementia, surpassing the disabling effects of paraplegia and blindness. SUT in schizophrenia changes its physical

processes NUKLEONING. Schizophrenia is a physiological disorder, not mental. Since the SUT in schizophrenia alters the physical

formation of the brain, specifically changes constantly NUKLEONING body and nearby objects, creating a crazy vocal hallucinations.

Schizophrenic disorders generally characterized by fundamental characteristic disorders of thought and perception, as well as inadequate

or reduced affect. The variety of symptoms has generated debate about whether or not a single disease or schizophrenia is diagnosed,

which conceal the number of separate syndromes. Most often, schizophrenia begins in late adolescence or early adulthood period, often

causing serious damage to a person's identity at a crucial stage of social and professional development. In recent years there has been

extensive research on early diagnosis of pre-debut (prodrome) signs of the disease in order to minimize its harmful effects. It is shown that

up to 30 months before the onset of overt symptoms, and in some cases in the past, can be detected in the prodrome. In this period in

future patients may manifest nonspecific symptoms - social isolation, irritability and dysphoria. SUT in schizophrenia alters the physical

formation of the brain, specifically changes constantly NUKLEONING body. From the foregoing it follows that schizophrenia is a physical

disease modified physiology, not only mental.



In Figure 7, the blue oval area - is a special modified process

NUKLEONING several areas of the human body in schizophrenia. Number

1 is marked volume of the human brain, badly formed SUT. Figure 2 is

marked volume of human body, badly formed SUT. Number 3 is the

domain of man's hands, poorly formed SUT. Figure 4 marked the amount

of space in the atmosphere or subject, poorly formed SUT. Blue lines - it

changed the trajectory of the SUT. Man with hallucinatory states is usually

in the mind. What intelligence SUT? Intelligence SUT - nonsense. The

names of many things he does not know. Where are the deleted items does

not understand, but just their forms (NUKLEONING), passing into

unconsciousness. In schizophrenia SUT usually specially bad forms the

human brain, at the same time creates a delusional voice hallucinations,

delusional thinking.

Figure 7.

Excited, pre-rigged, SUT in the formation of hallucinations specifically and selectively affects areas, cells, and even on some core parts of

the brain that are responsible for the perception of sound. Pre-rigged SUT capable of forming long NUKLEONING color and black-and-

white vision in the human brain, affecting parts of the brain responsible for visual perception of humans. When schizophrenic phenomena

in humans are beginning to take SUT goes in a completely unconscious and continuously carries out the usual process NUKLEONING

person. What exactly corpuscular wave processes occur when changing the SUT process NUKLEONING and formation of

schizophrenia to be studied. To date, the current medical practice is mainly used medication with psychotropic drugs that affect the

central nervous system. Psychotropic drugs do not help in the treatment of schizophrenia. How to reduce the variation of the wave

processes NUKLEONING leading to schizophrenic hallucinations? Hallucinations in schizophrenia can be removed, the adoption of a

variety of baths. Since when taking baths human body, the head is washed with water molecules, quantum wave process around a

person changes and SUT have to re-adjust to the brain and the human body. Eating is also difficult to impose SUT person schizophrenic

hallucinations. The ingestion of drugs in the body some molecules are replaced by others (metabolism) and it makes it difficult SUT

permanent formation of schizophrenic hallucinations. SUT schizophrenia can form at any age person, but after 24, 25 years old, when the

human body is increased, and human bones fully formed it is easier to do it. SUT can specifically harm to relatives or friends of people

with schizophrenia have a deleterious effect on them. Entire families may be ill with schizophrenia. A painful condition of the family is not

an indication that schizophrenia is transmitted genetically. A painful condition of the family - a SUT SBN (special malicious process

NUKLEONING). SUT "unscrew" at SBN on one person always tries to attack his loved ones. Frequent conversations with different

people sick person distract people from hallucinations and voice conversation with SUT. Discussions of different people with a sick

person distract him from communicating with SUT and stop the transition to a state of strong delusion. Especially helps human motion in

space for long distances. If the patient is able to move, his brain is not physically damaged SUT, then people need to be accompanied by

hiking. But it is better to study the corpuscular wave processes SUT in terms of nuclear physics and chemistry to develop special

equipment for removal of such phenomena and the treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders states. Is it possible

to create a special medical equipment, which will remove the schizophrenic phenomena electromagnetic waves acting on the nucleons of

the human body? Perhaps the Rabi method of measurement of the magnetic moment of the neutron will create such a setup? Will the

human ideas about changing the spin of the nuclei and the existence of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance in the treatment of

schizophrenia? Is it possible to combine the treatment of electromagnetic waves with medication? There are also aids brain imaging.

2. Phobias disturbing frustration on ICD-10 F40-F48.

Group of disorders in which the sole or predominant symptom is the fear of certain situations that do not represent the current danger.

As a result, the patient usually avoids or afraid of these situations. SUT capable specially molded at NUKLEONING fears, phobias, fear

constantly generate different situations. SUT causes of fears, phobias interfering with the performance on the human brain as a whole.

3. Frustration of a dream of an inorganic etiology on ICD-10 F51.

SUT is able to form at NUKLEONING long color and black-and-white vision in the human brain, affecting parts of the brain responsible

for visual perception of humans. Special effects SUT, ie modified NUKLEONING human body may occur during rest and sleep man.

SUT specifically in the human brain is the horrors and nightmares, scary person, acting on the brain as a whole. SUT, can awaken a

person to transfer rights in the wake mode. Translating human mode waking SUT tries to control people. Many sleep disorders are

caused by SUT specifically. With long-term and special effects of SUT people greatly suffer from mental illnesses associated with sleep

disorders, normal human biological rhythms.


4. Abscesses, on ICD-10 - group of diseases under the different coding.


In Figure 7, the numeral 3 is a modified process NUKLEONING the hands of man. With long-term exposure to a special SUT at the

hands of man can occur abscesses, necrosis and death of the skin or body. Not all of necrosis and abscess forms specially SUT.

Some abscesses occur by ingestion of various substances, trauma impacts, and so on. Prolonged exposure special SUT abscesses

arise which lead to complications and surgical interventions. Prolonged exposure special SUT may arise abscess, necrosis not only the

hands, but also various body parts. SUT abscesses may form especially on the head, back, different parts of the body. SUT

sometimes starts its special effects on humans by creating abscesses. This changes NUKLEONING NOON person. Abscess SUT is

very long-lasting changes in the +NOON  -NOON-NOON by + NOON is directed in one microscopic point of the human body.

In this case, the molecules of the human body in this area is beginning to change, decay, abscess begins. Abscesses in common is

sometimes called carbuncles, boils, ulcers. SUT can specifically form the human body several abscesses immediately. SUT, as it

"marks" the person and subsequently begins to rotate specially wavy core NOON human brain, causing schizophrenic hallucinations.


5. The Epilepsy.

SUT is capable of forming at NUKLEONING prolonged epileptic seizures in humans. SUT epilepsy begins to slow down and disperse

the central nervous system. In humans, there thus cramps, usually called epileptic seizure. Man it usually falls can not do anything with

their conscience. They often begin to twitch hands or feet, the human body as it beats the current. Very often a person bites tongue.

Epileptic seizures may also occur during sleep. Epileptic seizures are observed not only in humans but also in animals and birds. In

birds, this phenomenon is called whirligig beetles. In this case, the birds start to bend his head to one side, turn it fall to the ground.

Phenomena and symptoms seen with SBN.

It describes the phenomenon and symptoms of SBN (special bad NUKLEONING) particles SUT.
1. Voice and visual (with eyes closed) hallucinations.
2. Severe pain and aching bones.
3. A strong burning sensation in any part of the body and then the tumor.
4. Numbness of course, impossible to move hand or foot.
5. The lips are like cotton and begin to move in waves.
6. corpuscle undulation SUT on the head and other body parts (the parts of the body are moving like wool).
7. "hits" on the face or other body parts. (SUT particle begins to cause physical pain "shock" moving in a vacuum).
8. The tingling in different parts of the body.
9. Twitching soft tissues of the body.
10. Twitching body parts (hands or feet).

Sigmund Freud.

Sigmund Freud in his theory: "I and It. Conscious and unconscious, "" split "the human psyche into three layers: I, and Beyond It is I, I like a man presents himself, a sense of feeling and thinking attitude. I over man's attitude to people, talking to people, the work of the psyche in relation to the outside world. It - it's unconscious person, misunderstanding of the environment, unconscious human behavior. How can we evaluate the behavior of a special SUT in terms of Freud's theories? When a normal, ordinary process NUKLEONING matter SUT is unconscious, not understanding the shape of objects, not human names without distinguishing objects, does not understand human thought, forever, forever moving in waves in a vacuum. SUT is not a man, it does not have sex, does not have moral values. At the same time creating a lot of changes in the space of wave processes NUKLEONING, SUT causes many human mental illness, physical illness, pain and suffering, evil. SUT has not collected intelligence, numerous "his" thoughts - hallucinations. Intelligence SUT - nonsense, decay "thoughts", the lack of consciousness with a man angry at people, mental illness.

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