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Terminology and the description.

Schizophrenia - I split mind. Latin name schizophrenia Dementia praecox («premature dementia") - polymorphic mental disorder or a group of mental disorders associated with the disintegration of thought processes and emotional reactions. Schizophrenic disorders generally characterized by fundamental characteristic disorders of thought and perception, as well as inadequate or reduced affect. The variety of symptoms has generated debate about whether or not a single disease or schizophrenia is diagnosed, which conceal the number of separate syndromes. This ambiguity was reflected in the choice name: Bleuler used the plural, referring to the illness of schizophrenia. 
The etymology of the word, from the "splitting of reason", causing confusion - in the popular culture of the disease is mixed with "split personality." The overall risk of the disease, according to research, is 0.4-0.6% (4-6 cases per 1,000 people). Men and women get about equally often, but women tend to have a later onset of the disease. Patients with schizophrenia are likely to be diagnosed comorbid disorders, including depression and anxiety disorders. In schizophrenia, the risk of alcoholism and drug addiction is about 40%. Part of the social problems, such as long-term unemployment, poverty and homelessness. Increased risk of suicide and health problems caused the decrease in life expectancy, which in patients 10-12 years shorter than people without schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is one of the main reasons that lead people to disability. In a study conducted in 14 countries in 1999, it was shown that the state of active psychosis takes in relation to the third place after complete paralysis (quadriplegia) and dementia, surpassing the disabling effects of paraplegia and blindness. However, the disease reveals considerable diversity and is in no way associated with the inevitability of the development of chronic or progressive growth of the defect. In some cases, the frequency of which varies in different cultures and populations, recovery may be complete or almost complete. In severe form of the disease, if the patient presents a risk to themselves or others, may be required involuntary hospitalization, but in Western Europe, the incidence and length of stay in hospital decreased compared to earlier times.


Describe the symptoms of schizophrenia occur in 2000 BC in the "Book of Hearts" - part of the ancient Egyptian papyrus Ebers. The study of ancient Greek and Roman sources said that probably in the societies of the time were aware of psychotic disorders, but have not seen any that would meet today's criteria for schizophrenia. At the same time, symptoms resembling schizophrenia, marked in Arabic medical and psychological texts, dating back to the Middle Ages. For example, in the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna describes the state, partly resembling schizophrenia, which he calls "Junoon mufrit" (severe madness), and is separated from other forms of madness, "Junoon" - such as mania, rabies and manic-depressive psychosis. 
While the general concept of insanity has existed for thousands of years, only in 1893, schizophrenia was identified as an independent mental disorder Emil Kraepelin. He first held a face which separates psychotic disorders that he then called dementia praecox (literally - "early dementia" syndrome, described in 1853 by Benedict Morel under the French name démence précoce) and manic depression. This dichotomy remains an important concept in modern science.

Aetiology (causes of illness).

SUT - corpuscle (particle) that nobody has created and it is able to survive and move in a vacuum by itself (self-existing particle). The continuous process of movement and the formation of a vast array of particles of the universe and, accordingly, all macroscopic objects, including humans, will be called hereinafter NUKLONIN. SUT at NUKLONIN like "smeared" over the space of a vacuum in its wave motion within the universe and its forms. SUT in schizophrenia changes its physical processes NUKLONIN. SUT changes corpuscular wave behavior in the formation of brain cells, causing auditory hallucinations. SUT "puts his thoughts" in the formation of the brain. SUT forms of voice, creating multiple modified wave processes NUKLONIN. SUT commented ordinary thoughts or actions of a person, discusses the behavior of the patient. SUT talking with the patient, creating multiple modified in the space of wave processes NUKLONIN between the human body, objects, and the brain. Man, if you change the wave processes hears talk of the body, objects are nearby. The occurrence of unexpected "ringing" in the ears, also shows a special impact on the SUT eardrums person. SUT like "ringing" in our ears, creates a primitive hallucinations. These are the "jokes" SUT. SUT creates an echo of thoughts, studying and copying a person's thoughts. Why do you need SUT echo thoughts? Echo the thoughts need to memorize corpuscular wave state of the particles in the brain. SUT changing corpuscular wave function changes the metabolism and again creates a hallucinatory voice processes in the brain in humans. SUT is constantly trying to control a person, creating nonsense mastery, delusions of control, lies. In this case, SUT often repeats the same short man's thoughts as "parrot", sometimes without understanding the meaning of words. Want to know "thought" SUT - ask schizophrenia, delusional thinking what SUT has invested in his brain. Maybe you will be able to talk through the patient c SUT. When schizophrenic disorder F20 SUT greatly interfere with a person to perceive their environment, distorts thinking, interferes with life, constantly trying to control someone creates a special evil. SUT at the same time can change NUKLONIN many people and objects, causing schizophrenia delusions, hallucinations. The most common manifestations of the disease are auditory hallucinations, paranoid or fantastic delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking in the background of a significant breach of performance. SUT schizophrenia can form at any age person, but after 24, 25 years old, when the human body is increased, and human bones fully formed it is easier to do it. SUT can specifically harm to relatives or friends of people with schizophrenia have a deleterious effect on them. Entire families may be ill with schizophrenia. A painful condition of the family is not an indication that schizophrenia is transmitted genetically. A painful condition of the family - a SUT SBN (special BAD process NUKLONIN). SUT "unscrew" at SBN on one person always tries to attack his loved ones. Schizophrenia is a physiological, physical illness, and not only mental as SUT schizophrenia alters the physical form of the brain, specifically changes constantly NUKLONIN body and surrounding objects, creating a voice hallucinations, delusions. SUT schizophrenia alters physical formation not only of the brain but also of the human body. 
Man with hallucinatory states is usually in the mind. What intelligence SUT? Intelligence SUT - nonsense. The names of many things he does not know. Where are the deleted items does not understand, but just their forms (NUKLONIN), passing into unconsciousness. In schizophrenia SUT usually specially bad forms the human brain, at the same time creates a delusional voice hallucinations, delusional thinking. Excited, pre-rigged, SUT in the formation of hallucinations specifically and selectively affects areas, cells, and even on some core parts of the brain that are responsible for the perception of sound. Pre-rigged SUT capable of forming long NUKLONIN color and black-and-white vision in the human brain, affecting parts of the brain responsible for visual perception of humans. When schizophrenic phenomena in humans are beginning to take SUT goes in a completely unconscious and continuously carries out the usual process NUKLONIN person. What exactly corpuscular wave processes occur when changing the SUT process NUKLONIN and formation of schizophrenia to be studied. At the resonant frequency of a wave processes are corpuscular SUT in schizophrenia is not known and needed research.


In drawing 1 dark blue oval areas is special changed process NUCLEONING of several areas of a body of the person at a schizophrenia. Figure 1 notes volume of a brain of the person, badly formed SUT. Figure 2 notes volume of a trunk of the person, badly formed SUT. Figure 3 notes area of hands of the person, badly formed SUT. Figure 4 notes space volume in atmosphere or a subject badly formed SUT. Dark blue lines is the changed trajectory of movement SUT in vacuum. Why SUT sometimes changesNUCLEONING and renders on us SBN not clearly as corpuscle SUT not the person, is not studied and almost unreasonable.
More in detail about a corpuscle (particle) SUT and how it forms us, look page on a site about formation of a matter of the Universe.

Drawing 1.

Signs, schizophrenia symptoms in medicine.

A person with schizophrenia may be observed disorganization of thought and speech, their singularity, auditory hallucinations, delusions. For several reasons, the disease is often accompanied by social exclusion, it is accompanied by impaired social cognition and paranoid symptoms were associated with delusions and hallucinations, and negative symptoms: apathy and abulia. In rare cases, the patient may remain silent, freezing in strange poses or, conversely, fall into a state of aimless driving: these are signs of catatonia. None of the features, taken in isolation, is not sufficient for the diagnosis of schizophrenia as they may accompany other pathological conditions. According to the current classification of psychoses, schizophreniform psychosis symptoms must be present for at least a month on the background of the disorder functioning lasting at least six months; less prolonged episodes referred to schizophreniform disorder. Most often, schizophrenia begins in late adolescence or early adulthood period, often causing serious damage to a person's identity at a crucial stage of social and professional development. In recent years there has been extensive research on early diagnosis of pre-debut (prodrome) signs of the disease in order to minimize its harmful effects. It is shown that up to 30 months before the onset of overt symptoms, and in some cases in the past, can be detected in the prodrome. In this period in future patients may manifest nonspecific symptoms - social isolation, irritability and dysphoria. As we approach the psychosis they arise transient (short-term) or limited psychotic symptoms.

Ejgen Brejler.

Ejgen Blejler

Ejgen Blejler

In 1908 the Swiss psychiatrist Ejgen Blejler has described a schizophrenia as the independent disease different from diments, and has entered this term into psychiatry. It has proved that illness not necessarily arises in young years, and can develop and at mature age.

Ejgen Blejler (1857-1939) used for the first time the term "schizophrenia" in 1908

Ejgen Blejler considered ambivalence as the basic sign of a schizophrenia, and considered three its types:
• Emotional type: simultaneously positive and negative feeling to the person, a subject, event (for example, concerning children to parents).
• Strong-willed type: infinite fluctuations between opposite decisions, impossibility to choose between them, frequently leading to refusal of decision-making in general.
• Intellectual type: alternation or simultaneous existence of contradicting each other, mutually exclusive ideas contradicting each other in reasonings of the person.
It is remarkable that to "schizophrenia" of Blejler carried not only early weak-mindedness, neurotic syndromes and dotage, but also "delirium tremens" of alcoholics.

Schneider's classification

Psychiatrist Kurt Schneider (1887-1967) has listed the basic forms psychotic symptoms which, in its opinion, distinguish a schizophrenia from others psychotic frustration. These are so-called «symptoms of the first rank», or « Schneiders symptoms of the first rank»:
• Delirium of influence from external forces;
• Belief that thoughts are stolen by someone from a head or are put in it;
• «Sounding of own thoughts»: the sensation of that the maintenance of thoughts becomes accessible to other people;
• The voices making comments on thoughts and acts of the person or talking among themselves.
Diagnostic reliability of symptoms is called in question, but they have been considered at selection of the criteria used presently.

Criteria ICD-10.

According to ICD-10 one of following signs should be observed at least:
• The Echo of thoughts (sounding of own thoughts), insertion or withdrawal thoughts, an openness of thoughts to associates.
• Brad of mastering, influences, or the passivity, distinctly concerning a body or extremities, thoughts, actions, or sensations; crazy perception.
•       hallucinatory  of a voice making comments or discussing behavior of the patient; other types of the "voices" going from various parts of a body.
• Steady crazy ideas which are cultural inadequate, ridiculous, impossible and-or grandiose under the maintenance.
Or two of following "smaller" symptoms should be observed, at least:
• The Proof hallucinations of any sphere accompanied labile or not completely generated delirium, but without the expressed affect; or constant, persuasive super valuable ideas.
• Neologisms, shperungs, fragmentary speech.
• catatonic?frustration, such as excitation, hardening or wax flexibility, negativism, mutism and a stupor.
• Authentic and consecutive changes of the general quality of the behavior, shown by loss of interests, aimlessness, preoccupation own experiences, social autism.
• Negative symptoms (but not caused thus depression or pharmacotherapy) which can be expressed:
o Apathy
o Poverty or inadequacy of emotional reactions
o Social fenced off
o Social unproductiveness.

Criteria DSM IV-TR.

According to DSM, the schizophrenia diagnosis means: 
            (A) Characteristic symptoms: two or more symptoms, everyone available on an extent parts of a monthly interval.
o Crazy ideas
o Hallucinations
o The disorganized speech (e.g. frequent slipping or inconsistency; the abstract maintenance of speech). 
o Strongly disorganized (e.g., an unseemly choice of clothes, frequent crying) or behavior
o negative symptoms, including plane affect (lack or decline in emotional reactions brightness) alogiya (silence or impoverishment of speech) or avolitsiya (reduced or lack of motivation).
The note: If crazy ideas are considered fantastic, or hallucinations represent one voice which is making comments on current actions of the patient or voices two and more talking with each other, presence only suffices one this symptom from all aforesaid. The criterion of disorganization of speech is sufficient only when it considerably breaks communications with the patient.
• (B) Social/professional dysfunction: During an essential part of time from the frustration beginning, level of achievements in sphere of work, human relations or personal care much more low, than before disease and if disease has begun in the childhood - inability to reach expected level in the field of human relations, work or study.
• (C) Duration: Symptoms last, at least, half a year. From this half a year, at least, within one month symptoms satisfy to criterion (A) (an active phase), and in the rest of the time (residual and prodromal a phase), is negative symptoms or, at least, two of criterion symptoms (A) remain in the erased, weakened form (for example, strange belief or unusual sensual experience).
• (D) Are excluded schizoaffective frustration and an is maniacal-depressive psychosis. Or the phase of the depressive, maniacal or mixed episodes is not present during active, or their duration is small in comparison with of an active and residual phase. 
• (E) the Reason not in a drug taking or medicines and not in any not mental illness.
• (F) If the patient suffered autism or other deviations in development, for schizophrenia diagnostics it is necessary, that the expressed delirium or hallucinations proceeded, at least, month (or less in case of successful treatment).
Historically, in Western countries, doctors are divided on the simple schizophrenia, catatonic, hebephrenic and paranoid. In our time, DSM has five subclasses of schizophrenia: 
• Paranoid type: there are delusions and hallucinations, but there is no thought disorder, disorganization of behavior, and affective flattening. (DSM-code 295.3, ICD F20.0) 
• Disorganized type: ICD called "hebephrenic schizophrenia." Characterized by a combination of disorders of thinking and flattening of affect (DSM 295.1, ICD F20.1). 
• Catatonic type: conspicuous psychomotor impairments. Symptoms can include catatonic stupor and waxy flexibility (DSM 295.2, ICD F20.2). 
• Undifferentiated type: Psychotic symptoms are present but the criteria are not met the paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic type (DSM 295.9, ICD F20.3). 
• Residual type: there are positive signs, but they are mild (DSM 295.6, ICD F20.5)

Social factors.

There is a steady correlation of risk of schizophrenia with degree of an urbanization of district. One more risk factor is the low social status, including poverty and migration in connection with social friction, a racial discrimination, and trouble of a family, unemployment or bad conditions of residing. The mockeries transferred in the childhood and injuring experiences also appear in quality of stimulus to the future development of schizophrenia. It is considered that the risk is not influenced by parental education, but the broken mutual relations for which absence of support is characteristic can bring the contribution. The loneliness concerns social factors of risk of schizophrenia also.

New methods of treatment of schizophrenia.

To date, the current medical practice is mainly used medication with psychotropic drugs that affect the central nervous system. Psychotropic drugs do not help in the treatment of schizophrenia, have many side effects. How to reduce the modified SUT NUKLONIN wave processes leading to schizophrenic hallucinations? Hallucinations in schizophrenia can be removed, the adoption of a variety of baths. Since when taking baths human body, the head is washed with water molecules, quantum wave process around a person changes and SUT have to re-adjust to the brain and the human body. Eating is also difficult to impose SUT person schizophrenic hallucinations. The ingestion of drugs in the body some molecules are replaced by others (metabolism) and it makes it difficult SUT permanent formation of schizophrenic hallucinations. SUT schizophrenia can form at any age person, but after 24, 25 years old, when the human body is increased, and human bones fully formed it is easier to do it. Frequent conversations with different people sick person distract people from hallucinations and voice conversation with SUT. Discussions of different people with a sick person distract him from communicating with SUT and stop the transition to a state of strong delusion. Especially helps human motion in space for long distances. If the patient is able to move, his brain severely physically damaged SAT, then people need to be accompanied by hiking. But it is better to study the corpuscular wave processes SUT in terms of nuclear physics and chemistry to develop special equipment for removal of such phenomena and the treatment of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders states. Is it possible to create a special medical equipment, which will remove the schizophrenic phenomena electromagnetic waves acting on the nucleons of the human body? Perhaps the Rabi method of measurement of the magnetic moment of the neutron will create such a setup? Will the human ideas about changing the spin of the nuclei and the existence of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance in the treatment of schizophrenia? Is it possible to combine the treatment of electromagnetic waves and the restoration of "biofield" with medication? There are also aids brain imaging. I think that nuclear scientists and medical researchers need to study specific malicious physical phenomena SUT (SBN - special bad NUKLONIN) in schizophrenia and other diseases.

Therapy and support. Drug treatment now.

By itself, the concept of recovery from schizophrenia remains an object of controversy because not produced a universally accepted definition of the term, although in recent years have been proposed rational criteria for remission, easily applicable in research and in clinical practice, which may be a consensus, and there are standardized methods of evaluation of which is a common scale PANSS. Correction of symptoms and improved functioning seem more realistic goals, rather than a full recovery. Revolutionary changes in therapy in the 1950s were associated with the introduction of chlorpromazine. At the moment is gaining recognition recovery model emphasizes hope for improvement, empowerment and social integration. 
Hospitalization may be required in severe episodes of schizophrenia. It may be voluntary or, if permitted by local legislation in the field of mental health, involuntary (forwarding in a civil manner). In Russia, involuntary hospitalization is regulated by the mental health care. In some other countries was conducted deinstitutionalization that has made a rarity for a long stay in hospital, although it is still possible. Following placement in a hospital or in his stead, it takes support, including centers open visit, visits the district mental health teams or teams assertive treatment at home, supported employment of, and support groups led by the patients themselves. In individuals with schizophrenia found increased dopaminergic activity in the mesolimbic pathway and reduced in Mesocortical, so the main treatment of schizophrenia is the use of antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics). Antipsychotic drugs acting on "productive" psychotic symptoms and prevent its further development. The impact of such drugs is primarily to suppress dopamine activity, despite their significant side effects. The currently used dosage of antipsychotics are generally lower as compared with the first decade of their use. It is believed that atypical antipsychotics are also on negative symptoms. "Classic" atypical antipsychotics are capable to cause deficit symptoms. 
In many countries outside of the Western world the final word in therapy may have the local community, and treatment can take place less formally. In fact, in these countries, the results of therapy may be better than in the West. The reasons for this are not clear statistics in order to clarify them are currently under investigation. 
There is uncertainty as to how efficiently the appointment of neuroleptics at the first signs of schizophrenia. On the one hand, their use in the very early stages of the disease increases the effectiveness of treatment; on the other hand, it is associated with an increased risk of side effects. The currently available research data do not allow a clear answer to this question, although practice guidelines in many countries unequivocally recommend neuroleptic medication for 6-24 months at the first attacks of the disease. 
In the treatment of schizophrenia used drug chlorpromazine (chlorpromazine), which has improved the treatment of schizophrenia in the 1950s. 
Used in the treatment of schizophrenia Risperidone, common representative of the atypical antipsychotics. Atypical antipsychotics - is Risperidone, quetiapine, olanzapine, clozapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole. Despite the higher cost drugs atypical antipsychotics do receive preference in the choice of initial treatment over the older typical antipsychotic drugs. They are often better tolerated and their use is rarely accompanied by tardive dyskinesia, although they are more likely to cause weight gain and the diseases associated with obesity. Also in people receiving atypical antipsychotics, sometimes there are cases of hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea and pituitary tumors. It is unclear whether the reduced transition to newer medications chances of developing neuroleptic malignant syndrome, a rare but severe and potentially fatal neurological disorder most often occurs as a negative response to antipsychotics. All antipsychotics block dopamine receptors D2-type, but vary in the degree of blocking other important neurotransmitter receptors. Typical antipsychotics generally inhibit only receptors D2, and new atypical antipsychotics act simultaneously on a number of neurotransmitter receptors: dopamine, serotonin, histamine and other. 

It is believed that both classes of antipsychotics generally show the same efficacy in inhibiting the positive symptoms. Some researchers have suggested that atypical agents are additional benefits in the impact of the negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia, but the clinical significance of these effects is not yet established. In recent years the works refuted the assertion reduced frequency of extrapyramidal side effects when using atypical antipsychotics, especially when their older counterparts are selected in small doses or used nizkopotentnye typical antipsychotics. However, it should be treated with caution to antipsychotics that block dopamine function as excessive blocking of this neurotransmitter responsible for good mood, can cause bouts of depression, which in turn may increase the dependence of the behavior of patients who sometimes try to compensate for the lack of dopamine drugs and alcohol (because amphetamines stimulate the release of dopamine). 
Symptoms of schizophrenia in different amenable pharmacotherapy. The phrase "resistant schizophrenia" is used to describe cases in which no satisfactory reaction observed for at least two different antipsychotic. Patients in this category may be prescribed clozapine, means, wherein increased efficiency, but carrying the risk of potentially fatal side effects, including agranulocytosis and myocarditis. Clozapine may have the added benefit, presumably reducing the propensity to alcoholism and drug abuse in patients with schizophrenia. For patients who do not wish or are unable to take pills regularly, developed long-acting forms of drugs, injections are sufficient to carry out every two weeks. In the United States and Australia, the law allows for such injections forcing those who refuse to accept short-term forms of drugs, but at the same time being in a stable condition, and do not hinder the normal life of others. There is evidence that in the long term, some patients is better off without receiving antipsychotics. Despite the encouraging results of early pilot studies, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids do not lead to an improvement in symptoms, according to a recent analysis.

Death rate.

In the analysis of data on more than 168 000 Swedish citizens who received psychiatric treatment, the life expectancy of patients with schizophrenia was at around 80% - 85% of the average. Women diagnosed with "schizophrenia" lived a little longer than men, and in general the disease was associated with a longer life expectancy than substance abuse, personality disorders, heart attacks and strokes. Patients with schizophrenia have an increased risk of suicide; A recent study says that 30% of patients at least once in their life made an attempt to commit suicide. In another study, it is assumed ten percent mortality rate from suicide. Additionally, the factors such as smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise and negative effects of psychiatric drugs. 
According to studies, receiving antipsychotics is associated with higher than in the population, the level of mortality, with the relationship between the number of received neuroleptics and mortality was statistically significant (at the risk of premature mortality polytherapy increases). Acceptance of antipsychotics leads to cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders, which, at least partly explains the increased risk of mortality.


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