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In absolute vacuum in the extent of the universe can exist only one corpuscle SUT. SUT over the material. SUT nobody created and it can exist in a vacuum and move by itself (self-existent). What does this mean? SUT forms the matter of the universe. SUT undulating moves in a vacuum within the universe (instantly wavy "smearing" in the space) and forms the nucleons. The continuous process of formation and movement SUT matter throughout the universe called NUKLEONIN. SUT billions of years by human concepts form the universe is constantly moving in a vacuum. The universe exists only because of the fact that SUT moves.


SUT at the beginning of the birth of the universe mankind did not plan at all. SUT does not have sex, it is not specifically shaped no stars or planets. SUT is not a person, it does not have eyes, hands, feet and head. SUT only particle that unconsciously, blind, moving in a vacuum in the extent of the universe and do not even realize that the forms. Billions of years or more before the birth of mankind SUT unconsciously moving in a vacuum. Does it create life? What is life? Every living thing on the planet Earth, from single-celled and multicellular organisms to viruses is based on the DNA molecule. Why a DNA molecule has the spatial form? Most likely, the electromagnetic radiation of the sun, the movement of planets, their electromagnetic coupling, their geometric dimensions influenced the spatial shape of the DNA molecule at NUKLEONIN. SUT movement created life on earth, but the movement was blind, unconscious. SUT is not specifically created life on Earth.



Billions of people on planet earth live, walk, talk. SUT forms the whole universe the earth people, and do not even understand what they say normal healthy people, what they're thinking. SUT has long been against the lives of people in the world. What makes mankind. World religions .... He is diverse and varied as our planet. Traveling around the world, you can climb the highest mountain peaks of the Himalayas and falls into the depths of the Pacific, lost somewhere in the sands of the African deserts or open new ones, anyone unexplored island. Journey into the world of religions - a journey into the world of history, distinctive traditions and customs of different nations, as well as a fascinating insight of the present. After all, the current religious traditions do not lose their life: words of prayer, and an appeal to the gods ascend from earth to heaven in all corners of the globe. The concept of religion is also not unique. Usually religion is perceived as a special area associated with the spiritual life of people and turned to the human soul. The presence of religion is so obvious in our lives, that is hardly a person who is not familiar with this word. Manifestations of religion are everywhere. The history of mankind and the life around us teaches a great variety and diversity of religions.


Mankind has long been in search of a god or gods that we have created or maintained. Mankind is constantly arguing as to call our  

creator, as to thank him or worship. SUT does not generate nor hell nor heaven. SUT specially produces evil mankind and disease on  

earth. This is our creator and shaper. Schizophrenic hallucinations - a one percentage that the SUT specifically affects the rights and  

tries to talk to him. Only schizophrenia according to doctors from the special effects of SUT on the globe is sick about one percent of  

the population of humanity at the same time. When mankind first drew attention to the change in the human psyche? Descriptions of  

schizophrenic symptoms occur in 2000 BC in the "Book of Hearts" - part of the ancient Egyptian papyrus Ebers. At the same time,  

symptoms, specially formed SUT, resembling schizophrenia, marked in Arabic medical and psychological texts, dating back to the  

Middle Ages. For example, in the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna describes the state, partly resembling schizophrenia, which he calls  

"Junoon mufrit" (severe madness), and is separated from other forms of madness, "Junoon" - such as manic-depressive illness.  

Schizophrenic disorders, specially formed SUT, typically characterized by significant and characteristic distortions of thinking and  

perception, as well as inadequate affects. SUT is specifically forms of the disease, trying to communicate with us, to control us without  

understanding why. What happens when the SUT wavy hallucinates in the human brain? People with schizophrenic hallucinations  

raves, brain hurts, badly damaged, it is not connected and human tears. What are "their" thoughts SUT invests in the human brain  

hallucinations? SUT raves, torn thought stupidity, sheer deception, repetition of thoughts of people crazy. What can we say about  

consciousness SUT with humanity? What does SUT of humanity. SUT is not able to think rationally at all, to understand what objects  

it creates are not aware of what events are happening in the world community. SUT practically realize the thought humans forming  

schizophrenia many people simultaneously. Intelligence SUT - a lot of mental illness for people formed under special physical process  

NUKLEONIN SUT. What diseases are specifically forms SUT for all mankind? SUT forms specially bad man's psyche: phobias,  

anxiety, sleep disorders, schizophrenic hallucinations, psychosis. It is especially bad forms physiology: abscesses, necrosis,  

neurasthenia. All this leads to suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, delirium, disability, poverty. SUT specifically leads to the  

degradation of humanity, degeneration. Whether to ask for spiritual healing SUT, if it does not understand what it does? Needless  

SUT himself does not understand, does not understand what he does. SUT for millennia of human history with special effects  

schizophrenic could not come up with a name for yourself and tell it to people. Why do SUT creates a special evil to mankind?  

Intelligence SUT - moron and madness. SUT for millennia of human history was not able to establish normal communication with him.  

People draw different symbols on the ground, built temples, mosques and other buildings, for adoration, reverence, or of any god.  

Mankind has always sought to come to God, to find God, to the adoration of God. Forgive me people. Their commitment to  

understanding the essence of the universe, the veneration dark or light forces, I do not offend (in different religions have different deity  

dark, light, deity of death or destruction, evil or good). SUT wants to kill his humanity stupidity, disease, delirium, refuses us form.  

Sometimes hallucinating undulating in the brain of mankind in different languages at once, SUT does not understand human speech and  

simply repeats corpuscular wave processes. SUT did not create nor any religion, faith, as virtually does not understand that forms on  

the earth in the universe, is not a man, and reckless corpuscle. That he was afraid SUT? SUT chaotic, almost do not understand the  

people who starts their own special effects. I think it is most afraid of human health and the absence of schizophrenic contacts. What  

can be said in general, the attitude of the SUT to mankind? SUT is pretty evil, debility, recklessly. SUT long uncomprehending  

personal self-existent (existing by itself), causing a lot of harm and suffering person. SUT most like the Biblical Satanei inherently, and  

goes against the people in general. SUT is also similar to an evil deity Shiva, the fact that the disease inflicts on people and animals.  

Many people thought that the creator of this world above us at a reasonable lead us to the light, loves us. In fact, it turned out quite the  

opposite. Special encounters of the third kind of person with SUT practically useless. SUT - this madness, disease, degradation of  

humanity. If you do not speak SUT, that it is God, the SUT and does not think about his divinity. SUT has long been at war with us.  

Humanity should unite and fight for their own health against SUT. SUT insanely hard, vicious and malicious. This is the essence SUT -  

corpuscles, which we unconsciously created and tries to destroy. It is not necessary to contact the SUT. SUT hardly reasonable  

spiteful creature, or build any temples or structures to worship him, it is useless. Better take care of people from the harmful effects of  

SUT, develop medical equipment, and earn money. Man is not to blame for the fact that he suffers from special effects SUT.


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